Oregon Legislature Awards $2 million to Arch Cape Watershed Project

The Oregon Legislature recently awarded $2 million to the Arch Cape Watershed project through the American Rescue Plan Act Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund (“ARPA fund”).

House Bill 5006 awarded over $272 million to 48 water, wastewater and other critical infrastructure projects across the state. Business Oregon will manage the award and work closely with the Arch Cape Domestic Water Supply District manager and board.

This news follows on the heels of an announcement earlier this year that the US Forest Service would be investing $3.5 million in the project through the Forest Legacy Program in partnership with the Oregon Department of Forestry.

“The board wishes to thank our legislators and especially recognize the relentless support of our Senator Betsy Johnson and Representative Suzanne Weber in advocating for our community and in advancing such a unique and innovative project,” said Dan Seifer, president of the Arch Cape Water District board. “The purchase of this property is a critical milestone in our effort to secure the source of our drinking water.”

According to Seifer, the District’s plan for stewardship includes sustainable forestry to offset ongoing maintenance costs, while the level of public investment the District to significantly scale back the amount of log sales that would otherwise be needed to maintain roads and repair stream crossings on the property.

Over the next few months, the District will conclude the meetings of the Forest Advisory Committee and publish a draft Multi-Resource Management Plan, said Seifer, who added that, by October, the District should also have the results of a professional third-party appraisal and be able to share its long-range financial plan with the community.

Visit the Arch Cape Forest Facebook page and or the Arch Cape Forest website for updates.


Update on Asbury Creek Bridge in Arch Cape


Board Member elections set for Sept. 18