About the Community Club


Our Mission

The Arch Cape-Falcon Cove Beach Community Club exists to maintain and enhance the livability and sense of community in Arch Cape and Falcon Cove Beach, protecting the natural, scenic, open space, historical, and cultural aspects of the area and land.

Arch Cape Community Club history

History of the Club

Founded in February 1966 as the Arch Cape Community Club, a group that included Walter Wiebenson (chairman), Betty Snow, William Kane, Eleanor Simmonds, Lowell Hawkins, and Floyd Scott were interested in issues such as fire insurance rates, tsunami warnings, road maintenance, sanitation, and highway safety.

In its first year, the club worked to help fund the first Arch Cape fire station and later the community emergency warning system known as COWS, which is manually activated based on information from the National Tsunami Warning Center or National Weather Service. Whenever the system is being tested, it broadcasts the sound of a cow “mooing” followed by an explanatory announcement. In the event of an actual tsunami, a siren will sound and directions will follow.


Club Projects

From beach and highway clean-up to emergency preparedness projects, the Arch Cape-Falcon Cove Beach Community Club is involved with a variety of projects designed to improve the livability of our neighborhoods.

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Club Meetings

The Community Club meets at the Arch Cape fire station four times annually on the third Saturday of May, September, November, and February, at 6 pm. Potluck dinner typically begins at 6 pm, followed by live musical entertainment or a talk presented by an expert on a topic of local relevance.


Board of Directors

Bob Boehmer — President
Diane Matson — Secretary
Linda Eyerman — Treasurer
Suzie Henry — Member
Ralph Wyatt — Member
Jeff Davis — Member
Karynn Fish — Member