Arch Cape Chronicles

A book by David and Alma English

Copyright 1993, by Arch Cape - Falcon Cove Beach Community Club

To purchase the printed book, please contact the club secretary.

Covers: Front-Back

1-6: Front

7-17: Introduction

18-23: The Arch Cape Cannon

24-39: Roads and Highways

40-44: The Post Office

45-60: Arch Cape Area Geology

61-64: St. Peter The Fisherman Church

65-73: Kelps in Clatsop County

74-80: The Fire Department

81-83: The Sewer System

84-93: The Water Systems

94: Sally’s Alley

95-97: The Shingle Mill

98-102: Akeson

103-117: Archer-Crawford-Ellis-Carney

118-119: Balfour

120-125: Beck

126-132: Brown

133-150: Conway-Brown

151-156: Constanzo

157-161: Eldridge-Coffman

162-179: English

180: Four Generations Cerelli

181-185: Gardner-Smith-Priddy

186-211: Gelinsky-Holderman-Dooley

212-213: Hawkins

214-215: Hill

216-224: Kindley-Tarr

225-229: Leech-Wood

230-239: Log Cabin, Patton-Christie-Mosby

240-242: Maddison-Reynolds

243-255: Markham

256-259: Meece

260-273: Morrison

274-275: Mersereau

276: Murphy

277-280: The Newcomer Forbes

281-282: Rogness

283: Schaeffer

284-287: Scott-Beemer

288-299: Snow

300: Steinauer

301-302: Speros

303-306: Walsh-Berry

307: Watson

308-312: Whitney-Forbes-Shaw

313-314: Womack

315-317: Zuelke

318: Graham

319: Grohs

320-348: The Natural History of Arch Cape

349-355: References

356: Acknowledgments

357: The End of the Story