Upcoming aerial spraying on local forestlands

aerial spraying arch cape oregon

For anyone interested in information about Aerial Spraying in Forest Lands surrounding Arch Cape and Falcon Cove, please see the following excerpt from the North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection:

The Coast Range Forest Watch (CRFW) has put together an interactive map that displays all the Oregon Department of Forestry FERNS (Forest activity Electronic Reporting and Notification System) notifications for 2020 (as of a few weeks ago).

Clicking on a spray area shows the landowner, pesticide spray applicator, and a link to the full PDF report.

The map can help all of us find out more about pesticide sprayings in forested areas. As many of us know, FERNS is not always easy to use. This new interactive map is on the Spray Free Coast website.

There is also a FERNS tutorial on this site. This is a big deal! Thanks to CRFW.

North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection (formerly the Rockaway Beach Citizens for Watershed Protection) is a grassroots group seeking better protections for the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the forests we love. Visit their Facebook page.

If you’d like more information about the ODF FERNS notification system, please visit https://ferns.odf.oregon.gov/E-Notification/


Town Hall Meeting: Arch Cape Forest, Dec. 5, 3-5 pm


Clatsop County Comprehensive Plan meeting: October 14, 10 am