Feb. 18 club meeting: Guest speaker Joe Leibezeit

Join this video teleconference on Thursday, Feb. 18, at 5:00 PM, for a presentation on Oregon's Black Oystercatcher birds presented by Joe Leibezeit. Mr. Leibezeit has been with the Portland Audubon Society since 2013 as their staff scientist and leads the community science and coastal conservation programs.

The presentation is sponsored by the Arch Cape Falcon Cove Beach Community Club.

A short business meeting will precede this presentation.

When: 2/18/21 5:00 PM - (US/Pacific)

Dial-in number: (760) 548-9031

Online meeting link: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/cadice

Online meeting ID: cadice

Instructions: To join the video and screen sharing session, click the online meeting link.


Feb. 10: Clatsop County Comprehensive Plan Meeting


Clatsop County to receive COVID-19 vaccines for seniors age 80 and older