Oregon e-Permits

The Community Club has changed its way of tracking permit applications for Arch Cape and Cove Beach. Permit applications and other land use documents posted on this website prior to 2024 may still be viewed. Within the table accessible at the link at the bottom of this message, recent permit applications and related documents may be viewed by clicking the link provided with each entry. This will take you directly to that entry in Oregon’s e-permitting website known as ACCELA (https://aca-oregon.accela.com/oregon).

Once there, follow these steps:

1.     To see additional information on this Permit/Application Number, click on the small green arrow by the Record Info/Schedule Inspections menu. This will expand the menu.

2.     From this menu, choose “Documents Upload/View.” This will bring up a list, and you can click on the document name you want to view.

Note: Clatsop County chooses what to post online in ACCELA. So, for example, you may find an STR application but not the permit itself. For access to documents not available online, please contact Clatsop County, not the Community Club as our access is the same as yours.

20240909 Zip Code 97102: EXCEL format, NUMBERS format.


41030BB04200 Smith 79976 Pacific Rd