41019BC00900 Geis 80486 Carnahan Rd

On December 22, 2022, the Hearings Officer issued an order reopening the record and extending the record period in the matter of a variance request by Christian Zupancic, Zuplaw Law Firm LLC (“Applicant”), on behalf of JJG ORE, LLC (Record #186-22-000318-PLNG). The order established a 14-day “open record period” for any participant to submit additional written evidence or testimony. The open record period ended at 4:00 PM on January 5, 2023. Following the open record period began a seven-day “rebuttal period” for any participant to submit evidence or testimony responding to any new evidence presented during the open record period. The rebuttal period ended at 4:00 PM on January 12, 2023. Rebuttal arguments received during the rebuttal period can be viewed by opening the links below:

JAN 2023: Rebuttal by Sheron for JJG ORE Variance 22-000318-PLNG 01-12-23

JAN 2023: Rebuttal by Applicant for JJG ORE Variance 22-000318-PLNG 01-12-23 (1)

DEC 2022: Public Notice Hearings Officer Order Reopening Record 22-000318 can be viewed here.

DEC 2022: Public Notice of Request to Reopen Written Record 22-000318 can be viewed here..

NOV 2022: Notice of Public Hearing Application for Variance to Side Yard Setback can be viewed here.

MAY 2022: Variance Request (Resubmitted) June 2022 can be viewed here.


41007CD00300 ApRoberts


41019BC04000 Arch Cape Fire Station