Arch Cape-Falcon Cove Beach Conservation Committee

In 2019, the Arch Cape-Falcon Cove Beach Community Club Board voted to update its Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws to allow the Club to accept and manage real estate or real estate interests that might be donated or sold to the Club for Conservation Purposes.

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There are a number of “lots” in the Arch Cape/Falcon Cove Beach area that contain wetlands or that aren’t otherwise optimum for development whose owners do or might have an interest in donating the lot or a conservation easement on the lot to the Community Club.

Doing so would enable the Community Club to maintain or arrange for these lots to be held as Conservation properties for the ultimate benefit of the Community.

The Board has also created a Conservation Committee to acquire, vet, and manage such acquisitions. Linda Eyerman has agreed to chair this Conservation Committee. We are actively seeking additional Committee members who might be interested in helping us with this effort. If you have an interest please contact Linda Eyerman or Charles Dice.